Thursday, May 31, 2007

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Program...

Last night as Beloved and I lay in bed in a deep, sound sleep and I dreamt a bizarre dream with Nick Lachey and a strangely obese house cat I suddenly felt something scurry across my forehead.

Something small and furry.Scurry.Across.My.Forehead.

Do I really need to describe how quickly I became awake and jumped from the bed like I was on fire? How I ran over and turned on the light and then Beloved jumped up wanting to know what the hell was happening?

Something just crawled across my forehead. As in, I think a mouse.

Beloved looks over at the bed and crumpled pile of sheets and blankets. Are you sure?

I don't have my contacts in so I'm as blind as a bat, but I know what I felt. I nod. Go see.

We both look toward the bed just as Tibbey, Cherished's hamster crawls from the mountain of covers and looks at us innocently. WTF?

Beloved and I look at each other for a second then bust out in laughter that almost brings us to our knees. After I walk over and scoop Tibbey up and place him back in his cage (which I re-secured with a twisty-tie) we both decide we need a cigarette to calm our nerves.

I thought I heard the cage door open at around midnight, but I was just falling asleep and thought I must be dreaming. Then later I felt something scratch my arm in bed and I thought it was you!

I giggle again and noting it's after two in the morning. You mean he's been out of his cage for over 2 hours? I wonder what in the hell made him wanna crawl in bed with us?

Maybe he had a bad dream?

1 comment:

mist1 said...

I had a hamster once. It got out and chewed up all the trim. Then, it made a home for itself behind the fridge. I tried to rescue it and it bit through my finger nail.

It may still be behind the fridge.